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Tips for keeping your pets safe from fireworks

Cayman is renowned for its New Year’s Eve fireworks displays, however it’s important to remember not everyone appreciates them, especially pets! Because dogs and cats aren’t familiar to the loud noises fireworks produce, it can be a terrifying experience for them.

It is natural for dogs and cats to be afraid of loud noises. The sounds trigger their nervous systems, and they can become anxious or afraid. Running away from the noise is a survival instinct.

Remember, to your pets, the experience of fireworks is different than other natural loud noises, like thunder. Fireworks are closer to the ground, more vibrant, and are accompanied by sudden booms, flashes and burning smells. Dogs and cats experience the world through their senses — nose, eyes, ears. The typical New Year’s Eve celebrations can be overwhelming to them.

Here are some tips to help keep your dog calm, making for an easier holiday for both of you.

  1. Preparation

Ideally arrange to have your pet in a place where there won’t be loud fireworks displays — a friend’s or relative’s home or a doggie day care with which your dog is familiar.

  1. Accommodation

If you cannot take your pet to a place away from fireworks, then have a travel kennel at home for him/her to feel safe in. If you’re not going to be home, have a friend or sitter there to keep your pet company and reassure your dog or cat that he/she isn’t in danger. Whether your pet is at home with you or staying with a friend, make sure they are locked inside and use a lead when taking them outside. Because your pet is likely to be scared, they may try to run away from the noise and potentially become disorientated in the process.

  1. Communication

If you are going to be with your pet during the fireworks, sending them calming message that they are nothing to worry about will also help him to relax. Remember though, while humans communicate with words, dogs and cats communicate with energy, and will look to their pack leader for clues on how they should behave. If you’re not making a big deal or showing excitement about the fireworks, then he/she will learn to be less concerned as well.

In all cases above, expend your dog’s excess energy first, before the fireworks start, by taking her on a very long walk to tire her out and put her in a calm state.

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